Tuesday, May 20, 2008

VB6 for Dummies: Chapter 4

In Chapter 4 of VB6 for Dummies we write BASIC code to go with the simple form created in chapter 3.

The code looks something like this:

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub optFrown_Click()
imgFrown.Visible = True
imgSmile.Visible = False
imgGrin.Visible = False
txtSmile.Text = ""
txtGrin.Text = ""
txtFrown.Text = "Good bye, cruel world."
End Sub
Private Sub optGrin_Click()
imgFrown.Visible = False
imgSmile.Visible = False
imgGrin.Visible = True
txtSmile.Text = ""
txtGrin.Text = "I'm going to Disney World!"
txtFrown.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub optSmile_Click()
imgFrown.Visible = False
imgSmile.Visible = True
imgGrin.Visible = False
txtSmile.Text = "Hello, world!"
txtGrin.Text = ""
txtFrown.Text = ""
End Sub

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