Saturday, April 4, 2009

VB6 for Dummies: Chapter14

Event procedures! Now we're getting to the good stuff.
Event procedures respond to mouse clicks and key presses. They make things happen. Chapter 14 explains how event procedures work, how to write them, and how to find them.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Code Editor Keys

Code Editor Keys

You spend a lot of time editing code. It is a good idea to learn these keys. It may seem complicated at first, but it really will save you time once you are comfortable with the editor.
Keys Definition
Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
Deletes the line that the cursor is on
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line the cursor is on
Moves the cursor to the end of the line that the cursor is on
Moves the cursor to the first event procedure
Moves the cursor to the last event procedure
Ctrl+Down arrow
Displays the next procedure
Ctrl+Up arrow
Displays the previous procedure
Ctrl+Page Down
Goes to the first line of the next procedure
Ctrl+Page Up
Goes to the first line of the current or previous procedure
Place the cursor in a procedure name and press F2 to see the code for that procedure
Ctrl+Right arrow
Moves one word to the right
Ctrl+Left arrow
Moves one word to the left
Page Down
Displays the next page down in the Code window
Toggles the Insert mode on or off
Cuts a selected block of text
Copies a selected block of text
Pastes a previously Cut or Copied block of text
Undoes the last thing you did
Finds a word that you specify
Displays Help
Finds the next word that you specified previously using the Ctrl+F command
Finds the last occurrence of the word that you specified previously using the Ctrl+F command
Switches between Code window panes (if the Code window is split)
Searches for a word and replaces it with something else
Displays the Print dialog box

This table is based on table 14-1 in "Visual Basic 6 for Dummies"

Saturday, March 7, 2009

VB Classic WikiBook

I just stumbled across a VB Classic WikiBook. Although not yet complete, this wikibook is very promising and has a lot of code and links to tutorials. Keep an eye on this one.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

VB6 for Dummies: Chapter 13

Chapter 13 of VB6 for Dummies covers the common dialog box. The reader needs to do a little more thinking in this chapter than in previous chapters and as the chapter finishes with the Print dialog I am left with questions. The code snippet shows how to make the Print dialog pop open and how to set the number of copies to 1 by default, but it does not show how to send actual data to the printer. For instance, let's say my application has a text box and the user wants to print the contents. Using just the information in this chapter we cannot provide this option for our users. At this point I see the shortcomings of this book's teaching approach.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Common Controls Replacement Project

About ten years ago a group of programmers got together and created replacements for common VB classic controls. Although they have all moved on, the controls can still be found at their website.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

VB6 for Dummies: Chapter 12

After a quick review of chapter 11 I finally moved on to chapter 12 of VB6 for Dummies. Chapter 12 teaches submenus, growing menus, and pop-up menus. Submenus are easy enough to make. The section on growing menus teases you... leading you to think you are going to learn how to show a list of recent files in a menu, but only goes half way. The section on pop-up menus has more information than I will ever need to know about pop-up menus, but it's there just in case.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

How to make a web browser in VB6

In this video I show how easy it is to make a custom web browser in VB6. I even show you how to make your browser Mozilla based.

Here is the URL to the Mozilla ActiveX Control:

VB Magic

VB Magic is a replacement for the standard VB project explorer. It has a few more features than the default explorer.

You can download VBMagic by clicking HERE.

Hardcore Visual Basic

Although this book is not new, it is new to me. I do not have a hard copy, but there is an online copy of the book at Karl E. Peterson's One Stop SourceShop.